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Friday, March 12, 2010

The Sudetan Woman....

In war, You Win some, You Loose some...

A rare photograph of a crying Sudetan woman forcibly saluting Hitler in 1938 when Nazi Army entered Sudetanland.. A picture speaks louder than thousand words....


  1. Very touching. I visited your blog for the first time and am your fan now.

  2. :-) Thanks a Lot, Captain for gracious comment.. Your inputs and comments on this blog will sure teach me a lot..

    Best regards..

  3. Alongside the Sudetan woman who is crying, there are two other individuals. One is showing indifference(perhaps masking her feelings) and the other one for some reason seems jubiliant...

  4. The expression of jubiliation might also be because the Sudetan region has a sizable population of ethnic Germans.
    And who knows, the woman crying may be because of uncontrolled joy.
    What we see can often be deceiving.

  5. Classic example of karma, every karma has two sides plus and minus or possitive or negative. But we are helpless against nature or almight, who remotely force us to perform.
