Friday, October 11, 2024

The Prodigal Sons of the State Dept - Part 3 - Entry of ISIS

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From 2012 to April 2014, the phenomenon of the ISIS/ISIL, called “Daesh” (Bad People/terrorists) by people in Islamic states to avoid using the word “Islamic” to describe the organization that calls itself “Islamic State”,  burst upon the scene.

The earlier version appeared to have morphed from diverse warlord groups operating in Iraq. The effort to set up democratic US-model elections in Iraq had predictably led to the rise of a government dominated by the majority Shia. There were power-sharing deals to keep the heavily-armed Sunnis (Saddam Hussein was a Sunni) pacified. However the jostling between warlords had spiraled into chaos. American interest in keeping up ground forces di- minished as belated realization that the 2003 ‘WMD dossiers’ were blatant scams, started percolating even through parts of the US public discourse and mainstream media. For reference, even in 2005, State Department retirees and others were citing the consternation of people in the US intelligence community: They had recognized the ‘satellite photos’ that were waved around in the UN Security Council by US Secretary of State General Colin Powell as ‘proof’ of Iraqi WMD. They knew that those were from 1990, and long-since destroyed or otherwise emptied. Rising domestic pressure to bring the troops home, was accompanied by rising pressure on Iraqi politicians to demand exit of the Americans.

A swift rash of attacks by the initial version of ISIS was eventually put down, and the Americans pulled out - significantly including cut-backs in aerial intervention. By late 2013/early 2014, the new ISIS had exploded on the scene, sweeping across the landscape of Iraq. It became evident that the earlier disappearance from Iraq was because the ISIS had been pulled out and redeployed inside the massive Sunni belt of Syria, particularly along the Euphrates river corridor, and the borders with Turkey.
With the Syrian government desperately fighting off the urban/suburban insurrection, the so-called ISIS forces occupied essentially all of the areas marked in white in Figure above as well as most of the Sunni-majority areas. Reuter published so-called Secret Files revealing the structure of the ISIS (Ref: 

We will cite some facts and leave the rest to be filtered by the reader. The city of Raqqa fell to ’rebels’ in March 2013 and on October 17, the Islamic State called all the leaders and announced a full takeover: anyone with other ideas was executed, the rest swore allegiance to the Islamic State.
The second phase of the invasion started with Turkey openly transporting trainloads of heavy weapons to its border areas and feeding the ISIS to occupy the Euphrates valley ( 

Meanwhile Israeli forces attacked Syrian soldiers in the Golan Heights even as they were trying to defend against ISIS assaults; the ISIS wounded were taken into Israeli hospitals for treatment ( and and . 

Syrian air force bases were attacked by Israeli air power, and then overrun by the ISIS. In most cases, all Syrian soldiers who surrendered - and did not manage to be absorbed into ISIS ranks by virtue of ethnicity, were murdered and dumped in mass graves or rivers. In quick succession, villages small towns and larger cities fell to the invaders.

In December 2013, other Syrian rebel groups, even Al Nusra whom the US belatedly started calling an ‘Al Qaeda- related’ Islamist extremist group, banded together to attack ISIS and pushed them out of most of the occupied Syrian areas, even Raqqa. This may have been mostly for show, as the ISIS was needed elsewhere: by June 2014 the ISIS was swarming in Iraq.

The Kurds in the border areas declared independence, and were supported by American/NATO airpower and weapons to some extent. They managed to repel ISIS attacks on the city of Kobani. There were heart-rending reports of young Kurdish women soldiers fighting until they had exhausted their ammunition, and then, facing capture and torture, killed themselves with explosives, killing several of the ISIS swarming over them. The Kurdish SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces) were reported to be fighting in collaboration with the Free Syrian Army (FSA) against the ISIS in September 2014 (

The Syrian government claimed since the very beginning, that they were facing a foreign terrorist invasion. This has been more than vindicated by the massive scale of subsequent warfare, with the Syrian armed forces severely outgunned and outmanned, and reduced to defending a few pockets around Damascus and in the province of Latakia. By mid 2015, these areas were also under threat with Damascus suburbs getting heavy shelling. The cities of Homs, Aleppo, Raqqa, Kobani and Palmyra had been lost from Syrian control. Deir ez Zor (D-e-Z), near the Iraq border, has a gruesome history: It was where the Turkish Ottoman forces drove thousands of exhausted Armenian families, and left them to starve to death under the desert sun during the Armenian Genocide. D-e-Z became a besieged garrison with an airport that was often under fire. Syrian soldiers who surrendered elsewhere, had been mercilessly beheaded by the ISIS and the other Rebels, and perhaps this knowledge of certain torture and death sustained the D-e-Z defenders through a historic stand until they were relieved by a combined Syrian-Iranian force in late 2016. The commander of the D-e-Z garrison, General Zahreddin died days later when his vehicle hit a mine outside D-e-Z. At the very last stage of the D-e-Z siege, US warplanes killed over 100 Syrian soldiers in their defensive positions outside D-e-Z, 3 minutes before the ISIS launched a massive assault, very nearly breaking through the Syrian defense line. The US military later claimed that this was an error - which the Russians and Syrians found incredible.

The US Taxpayer’s Benevolence

US involvement started with covert aid to the Syrian Rebels, and clearly supported the armed groups trying to invade Damascus and overthrow the Assad government. The US arming, training and funding the ‘dissent’ in Syria, was quite open and proudly announced. There was strong support for the principle of supporting the Forces of Freedom in Syria against the ‘regime’ of the ‘brutal dictator Assad’, with measures including decapitation strikes, and War Crimes Trials loudly demanded against President Assad. The small fact that Syria was (and is) a sovereign member of the United Nations, that had done nothing hostile against the United States nor posed any challenge to the security of the USA, was not seen mentioned.

It is now apparent that covert aid started very early, but formal approval for military aid to the ‘Rebels’ did not occur until September 2014, by which time the ISIS was swarming all over Iraq and Syria. By 2015, the US had authorized some of the rebel groups to call in US/ NATO airstrikes, purportedly to allow them to fight off ISIS assaults, but equally enabling strikes on the forces of the Syrian government ( and and and

Doubts about the nature of the Allies receiving US aid appeared in the US media following this Congressional approval. By September 2014 the media were putting the term ’moderate’ in quotes while referring to the rebels whom the US taxpayer was supporting. Thus there were reports that the US-funded ‘Opposition’ against the Syrian Government, had sworn that they backed the ‘rebels’ against the ’Al Qaeda’. In this context, we must point out that the term  ’Al Qaeda’ means ”root directory’ of a hard disk in a computer found in the rubble in Afghanistan by US forces in 2001. The term appears to find usage mainly in justifying funding from Western lawmakers, as in ’we need funding to fight Al Qaeda in (fill in the geographic feature such as ‘Arabian Peninsula’ or ‘Iraq’). 

The only reported usage of such a term in an in- ternal Arabic document was an early position paper by Dr. Aiman Al Zuwahiri, lieutenant to Sheikh Osama Bin Laden, de- scribing the members of the initial Afghan resistance against the Soviets as the core of the movement for Islamic purity ( and

In September 2014, the US forces bombed ISIS sites in Syria. By May 2015, apparent consternation had dawned in Washington DC about what was obvious to anyone else: that Saudi Arabia and Turkey were sponsoring the ISIS- the same entities that the US forces were supposed to be bombing in Syria. By November 2015, the optimism had faded, lamenting that more airstrikes were not likely to help defeat the ISIS. But by then the Russians were in action ( and
To be Continued.. 

Sunday, October 06, 2024

Who Fathered ISIS? The Prodigal Sons of the State Dept - Part 2 - History

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.

Simplified Demographics

It can be speculated on how to resolve the above cognitive dissonance, starting with above Figure. This is a map of Syria from 1976, overlaid with simplified demo-graphics. At the time, the total population of Syria was around 6.3 million ( wiki/Demographics_of_Syria). 

The vast region in white bordering Iraq and Jordan was and still is sparsely populated. The southwest including Dam- ascus and the Ghouta province and the northwest (Latakia, Idlib and Hama) are the most fertile, with Latakia having a Mediterranean coastline. The Golan Heights at the southwest are partially occupied by Israel since the war of 1967. The majority (60 %) of Syria’s population follow the Sunni sect of Islam. The power centers of the ruling Baath Party draw support from the Alawites who are part of the Shia branch of Islam. They constituted 13% while the Sunni Kurds were 10%, Greek-Orthodox Christians were 8%, Armenian-Christians, Arab-Druze, Arab-Ismaeli each 2%, and Turkmen, Circassian and Assyrian making up the remainder. Some 60% of the total population lived in the Aleppo province and along the Euphrates River Valley, stretching from Idlib and Aleppo in the northwest to Deir-ez-Zor at the eastern Iraq border. The navigable river is a corridor of commerce and invasions since ancient times.

Sunni-Shia Faultline

The history of the Sunni-Shia divide is summarized in ( Today 85% of Muslims (all ardent followers of Islam’s Prophet Mohammed) are Sunni, and 15% are from the remaining sects including the Shia (Alawite, Ahmadiya, to name two). Shias have concentrations in the Middle East and North Africa in certain pockets.
Syria’s neighbors are Iraq, Jordan, Turkey and Israel. When President Erdogan came to power in Turkey, he rode on a platform to introduce fundamentalist Islamic reforms. He reversed decades of Field Marshal Kemal Attaturk’s western- seeking secularism that even imposed tough (for Believers) dress codes. Relations with Israel initially became less civil.

Both Turkey and Saudi Arabia are predominantly Sunni. Iraq has a majority Shia population which was ruled by Sad- dam Hussein’s minority Sunni military officers until his over- throw. Today a Shia-majority government rules Iraq. In Syria, despite having the 60% Sunni population, the ruling Baath Party is led by an Alawite Shia, and, most unusually for any Muslim-majority nation and particularly an Arab nation, has always had Christians and other Unbelievers (in Islam) in government positions. Thus the Shia rulers of Syria found little favor from either Turkey or Saudi Arabia. An uneasy peace reigned in the region, enforced by regimes that kept dissent out of public view, with occasional uprisings put down with massive force. The practices and freedoms were notably similar whether in ’Authoritarian’ Syria or ’US-Allied and Civilized’ Turkey and the Gulf Emirates such as Bahrain and Qatar – and a lot worse in US-Frontline Ally Saudi Arabia. This stability changed as the Arab Spring provided the openings for regime change.

The Anti-Shia Alliance

As recently as the early 2000s, Israelis would tell anyone that they regarded Saudi Arabia as the primary source of existential threats to the Jewish nation. It appears that during the 2010s, Israel’s relations with Saudi Arabia and Turkey have improved dramatically. Simultaneously, they have organized themselves against the Shia populations led by Iran. Today Israel views the Shia militant groups Hezbollah (in Iran and Syria) and Hamas (in Lebanon) as their greatest threats, backed by the narrative that Iran is attempting to acquire nuclear weapons which Israel already has in plenty. Saudi Arabia also shares these fears (informed sources claim that they already have nuclear weapons which they funded Pakistan to acquire from China), while Turkey sees Iran as perhaps an obstacle to the rebirth of the Ottoman Caliphate.

Since the demise of Saddam Hussein and the rise of the Shia in Iraq through democratic elections and other power blocs, Syria’s, Iran’s and Iraq’s Shia populations have found much in common. One is that they are on the target list of Turkey and Saudi Arabia, and more recently the ISIS and by extension the Allies of those nations, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, NATO and the USA. With Israel and its supporters in the USA urging all to follow their example and launch military attacks on the Shia.

AK47 automatic assault rifles, RDX and C4 explosives for car bombs, rocket-propelled grenade launchers and anti-tank guided missiles are freely available throughout the region, happily supplied by eager purveyors. This reality is ignored by those who argue loudly for installing peaceful democratic rule by majority approval with respect for the rights of all – while supporting their own pet terrorist gangs in the interests of ‘saving’ natural resources for their own wealth.
By 2011, Syria had 21.1 million native Syrians, plus 1.3 million refugees from the wars in Iraq, 0.5 million Palestinian refugees and some 5200 Somalian refugees. By 2015, over 10 million Syrians were in regions occupied by the ISIS, and two million lived in Rojava, the region ruled by Kurdish forces. Another 6 million had left the country, and an undetermined, very large number, estimated by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) at 7 million were internally dis- placed refugees.

The Color Revolution and Regime Change Wars In the Middle East
“Regime Change Wars” are not new in the history of the United States. The Mossadegh “regime” in Iran, which was elected by popular vote, was overthrown by street riots, strongly suspected to be fomented by foreign interests including the USA ( and 

The Salvador Allende government in Chile was considered to be “leftist” and was overthrown, likewise, by interests supported by US funding ( and An attempt was made back in 1961 to overthrow the government led by Fidel Castro in Cuba (the ill-fated Bay of Pigs event) ( and 

Cut to the 21st century. 

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, were the culmination of quite a widespread number of terrorist projects over the preceding decade ( The reaction in the USA was perhaps a realization that a “Clash of Civilizations” as projected by Prof. Huntington , had become inevitable (

It appears that entities in and out of the US and Allied governments developed plans to exploit long-held regional feuds, jealousies and suspicion to fragment the Arab and larger Islamic world, as a response against the rise of militant Islam. As the “smart” mobile phone and Internet access penetrated the Arab world, the technical capabilities to mount mass uprisings became available. Meanwhile the idea of Color Revolutions had been tested in the nations of the Former Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact nations - the term referring to the use of a particular distinctive color such as orange, painted over large areas or worn by many, to convey the notion of common cause, uniform outrage and vast numbers. The mushrooming growth of media communications technology in the 21st century had no small effect on the growth of Color Revolutions mass, highly coordinated, highly agile uprisings, apparently by unarmed youth. 

Today, Tunisia appears to have survived without much damage, Egypt went through several upheavals but has re- turned to military rule after both President (General) Mubarak and his successor, Mr. Morsi, died in prison. Muammar Gaddafi of Libya was captured and beaten to death after a NATO-led ’intervention’ - Libya today is still fragmented, and a prime market for weapons and mercenaries, even out- doing Syria. Note: At latest look in January 2020, Russian- supported and Turkish-supported, western-encouraged militias appear to be consolidating on opposite sides with the European and UN leadership expressing concern about the fate of Libyan oil.

In the United Arab Emirates, feeble attempts to start agitations were promptly and decisively suppressed. Yemen is in the final stages (we hope) of a ’civil’ war that has brought famine and genocide, but also brought dozens of billions of dollars in weapon sales to Saudi Arabia, perhaps to make up for losses in the field.

Color Revolutions To ISIS Black Flags

Herring and Christian advanced some points for consideration. The first was that the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ was never a desire for self-rule or pluralistic democracy as understood, but a desire for Islamic rule. “Each country that fell to that faux-organic sweep of protest shared a trait in common: aside from being brutal dictatorships, they were also secular governments.” Put differently, the ’popular outcome’ as visible from the noise of the mobs, would have been an absolutely repressive Islamic dictatorship. (

They went on to reason that the rise of the ISIS would not have gone unnoticed by government intelligence agencies and that the ISIS was far from being a ragtag bunch of malcontents: it is an immensely well-organized, well-planned, well trained and well-funded, brutal multinational army. That cannot be created without very powerful interests driving it, and this could not have been missed by intelligence agencies.

They then reason that President Obama’s administration could have at least allowed the growth of ISIS, in the confidence that this force could be swept into Sunni majority Syria, to achieve the regime overthrow for which the President could not obtain congressional or UN approval. Whether there was any thought given to how the resulting theocratic mob rule could be controlled enough to gain access to the wealth of Syria or whether there was an even grander plan to dominate the Middle East, are unknown.

In Syria, the Color Revolution spiraled out of the government’s ability to control, with stunning rapidity by March 2011. Given that the government’s ethnic support base ac- counts for much less than 20% of the population, they did not have the luxury of trying to out-number the street demonstrators with counter demonstrations. The demonstrators attacked government buildings and officials from the early days, and quickly got senior army officers to mutiny and defect. Government efforts to contain the protests by arresting leaders, only served as fodder for the international media campaign pointing to ‘brutal repression of dissent’, in a spiral of increasing violence.

Unlike Tunisia where the self-immolation of a starving street vendor protesting intolerable corruption was the trigger that ‘went viral’, it is clear that the Syrian rebellion was from the start based on deep conspiracy that brought senior military officers into the open. The defectors formed the core of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in the Ghouta suburbs of Damascus- from the start a heavily armed and trained group focused on overthrowing the government by force. As seen below, the FSA quickly - or perhaps with uncanny foresight and planning, brought foreign military and financial aid. Unsurprisingly, it brought rather desperate and urgent response from loyalist forces. In the cities of Homs and Aleppo government forces were besieged, and lost control. The government termed the so-called protests a Terrorist Invasion - again a very prescient observation in view of what happened shortly thereafter.

The campaign against Syria was organized with admirable marketing skill. By June 2011, the UN’s top humanitarian relief official, Undersecretary Valerie Amos, had expressed grave concern, at the reported death of 1200 people, and the exit of some 10,000 refugees from Syria into Turkey. In August 2017, the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict, Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy, declared [30] that “the use of excessive and lethal force” by the security forces is “taking a heavy toll on civilian lives, including children...We have had credible allegations of children being killed or wounded in security operations against civilians in Syria”. 

This followed a Syrian military operation against so-called ’protestors’ in the port city of Latakia - no doubt there were hostilities involving heavy weapons in populated urban areas, a.k.a. street fighting. The UN ’temporarily’ withdrew non-essential personnel from Syria. It is worth noting here that Latakia is home to a long- held Russian Naval Base, one of the few points from where Russia could project power in the Mediterranean. She continued: 

“There are also allegations that children have been tortured by the security forces. State parties have a duty to protect children in any police or military operations and I call on the Syrian authorities to fulfill their obligations.” (

Another UN report, from the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, declared that the Syrian government crackdown might amount to ’crimes against humanity’ and might call for an investigation by the International Criminal Court. Of course this appears to be laudable concern for innocents, but was remarkably missing from the UN’s repertoire shortly thereafter as the ISIS massacred, raped and enslaved Yazidis and other minorities in Iraq, and set out to do the same to the minorities in Syria. Perhaps the UN suffered ’atrocity fatigue’, the kindest explanation that we can imagine. (

Jet fighters and helicopter gunships were shot down, artillery was used in urban areas and outside, and there were reports of captives being tortured and executed on both sides. These reports were of course played up in the western media as evidence of the so-called ’brutality’ of the Assad regime and Assad himself. Calm reference to history might show that Assad’s government reacted much less strongly than others, for instance the United States Government, have done when faced with a secessionist “dissent”, which soon turned into foreign-funded, foreign-armed Civil War. The UN, as usual and in the best habits that led to the failure of the League of Nations, appears to have made no effort to ascertain, not to mention hinder, the arms-vending forces behind the violent protests and ascribe responsibility for the children and other innocents being caught up in the resulting war.

The only alternative open to Assad, as far as we can see, was probably to follow the fate of Muammar Gaddafi in Libya. And leave his nation to the fate that Libya is still experiencing.

In next part, we will deal with entry of ISIS to the scene and how that fundamentally changed the situation on the ground for all the relevant parties. Again, we are  seeing this play out in Bangladesh where Islamists are not slowly replacing the so called revolutionaries. 

Saturday, October 05, 2024

Who Fathered ISIS? The Prodigal Sons of the State Dept - Part 1

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Bhumika : What this article series is about? and What article series is not about.. 

In the 2016 US election debates, the terms like Warmongers, FakeNews, Genocide, Deep State, Swamp, Establishment etc started becoming part of American mainstream discussion, highlighted by a sharp public exchange between former US Secretary of State and Senator from New York, Ms. Hillary Clinton, and the then Presidential Candidate, National Guard Major and Hon. Congresswoman from Hawaii, Ms. Tulsi Gabbard. This article series recollects observations over the past decade from the US public media in an attempt to understand some of these issues. I feel that I, observing from India, but having lived in west for many years have a comparatively objective perspective on the situation. This is about how all this looked to a student of religion, history and geopolitics sitting in Mumbai looking keenly at the changes in public discourse in the west. It started from 2012 in India (having keenly participated in NaMo campaign of 2014 on social media front), the term like mainstream media, fake-news, "ecosystem" had become part of Indian SM-lexicon by then. So, I felt like certain elements and memes from NaMo 2014 campaign replaying on western stage and the stark difference between how Hindus of India reacted to those elements and memes as opposed to how US society did the same in 2016 (and British populace did the same during Brexit).

Now that my bhumika (perspective) is clarified, let us dive down the rabbit hole.
The ’mainstream media’ narrative then (in 2015/16) was that "America is supporting the People of Syria to fight against oppression - from the ‘Regime’ of the ‘Brutal Dictator Assad’ and the Islamic State (ISIS)". The ISIS also attacked the people of Iraq. Iranian ‘terrorists’ were interfering by helping the ‘Regime’ to oppress the Syrian people between poison gas attacks and bombing children. They were also impeding American efforts to save the Iraqi people from the ISIS. Saudi Arabia and Turkey were still Allies of America, who were helping in the Coalition along with NATO nations and Israel, to fight.... Someone!

This glorious Coalition was also simultaneously bombing Yemen. And Libya. And Syria. The Russians were also meddling by helping the Brutal Dictator (Assad) and the Iranians. All of this impeded President Obama’s (Nobel Peace Prize Awardee!!) sworn mission to degrade and eventually to destroy the ISIS. But despite all this, the Coalition was seen to be winning. The ISIS was defeated. All was well. 

Against this narrative, few maverick voices struck a discordant note. Senator Black of Virginia, before he retired, pointed out that the Christian minority in Syria was depending on President Assad’s protection for their very survival against the Islamic extremists. He was ignored. US Rep. Tulsi Gabbard criticized the ”Regime Change Wars”, and was attacked even to the point of being called a ‘Russian asset’. Some of us who were following the Syrian War, were trying to include reports on Twitter to give diverse perspectives both local from the war zone and from around the world. This increasingly become essential, given the extreme polarization that was developing in the US and European media between anti-President Trump and not-anti- President Trump camps that made both unreliable. 

But, neutral observer who wishes to see a dhaarmik world, these discrepancies need to be understood and remembered.

In 2024, this has again become an utterly critical issue. If the above entities are allowed to resume their genocide and other machinations, November 2024 may be the last election in the United States of America as we know it. The United Kingdom is already accelerating in its slide towards a Sharia-run Mediaeval Theocracy, and Europe despite some last-minute wake-up screams, is being dragged down by overwhelming force.

Christmas 2019 Celebrations in Liberated Syria

Flashy firework displays and bright lit Christmas trees popped up all across Syria to celebrate Christmas, a joyous day not only for the Christian minority, but to people of other faiths living in the country. Christians were among the minority groups persecuted by various Islamist militant forces, which tore Syria into pieces since 2011. The central government has managed to regain control over most of the country, and life there is slowly returning to normality. That includes celebrating Christmas openly and without fear of sectarian violence. (ref:

The web channel was banned in some countries as “Fake News”. But on the topic of the war in Syria, as on an increasing number of controversial topics, it proved to be superior by far to such proclaimed Defenders of the Free Press and Purveyors of the Truth as CNN, BBC, ABCnews, the New York Times and the Washington Post. So as a neutral observer, I will risk showing my gullibility by quoting from them and from others who were rarely cited in the western Mainstream Media of the Free World. 

Tim Anderson has been closely associated with Hands Off Syria. movement. That hardly earned him the friendship of the US government – one of four national entities still occupying parts of the nation of Syria, a member of the United Nations. As declared by the then US President Trump -  all this was for the express purpose of taking and selling their oil (Ref : and

The relevant troika in the region : Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Israel. A remarkable convergence of interests was seen between these three when it comes to oil. President Trump’s possible sarcasm in innocently ‘outing’ the policy rationale was lost on those who cited him as a (unique) war criminal and pirate – ignoring the genesis and history of the war in Syria. Top officers of the United States Armed Forces confirmed in no uncertain terms their knowledge of the rules: that the oil in Syria belongs to Syria, and for anyone else to take it out and sell it without Syria’s express permission, is ‘Piracy’. To ”the Syrian people” was the way the State Department spun it, apparently unaware of the United Nations position that the government led by President Assad was the only Syrian authority of the Syrian People recognized by the United Nations.

Cognitive Dissonance

Reading reports from Syria and comparing them with those in the mainstream media of the Free World’s leaders (two links cited above), still induces extreme cognitive dissonance in me. Consider this :

The tweets cited above where Christians were celebrating with the SAA (Syrian Arab Army), the official Armed forces of President Assad’s “regime”. This is the so called “brutal regime” that the US Government has been trying for many years to overthrow - or denies ever having wanted to overthrow, depending on the day and the entity making the declaration du jour. While the reports from Putin’s Russia and Assad’s Syria may be dismissed as those from the repressed media of Authoritarian Regimes, the question remains - why were the Christians in Iraq, so recently liberated by the USA and NATO, repeating the same?

Allied with the USA against President Assad  were the United Kingdom, NATO, Germany, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Canada, Australia, the Islamic Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Islamic Sultanate of Qatar, the Islamic United Arab Emirates, the Islamic Republic of Turkey, and the Jewish Republic of Israel 

And of course the Islamic States in Iraq, Syria and the Levant (ISIS/ISIL) were also allied with above coalition (since goals of both the parties were the same). To call the Syrian government a  ‘Brutal Regime’ while allied with some of the above, provides some food for thought, where thought is not punishable by death. One might wonder about their record as protectors of the Freedom to dissent and of Belief. Several of the militias or gangs operating in Syria as Allies of the above team, were and some still are funded using US taxpayer money.

In next part, I will deal with history and geography of the region, the Shia-Sunni Faultlines and the colour revolutions that were propping up everywhere in the region like mushrooms do on dung heap.

Remember - similar colour revolution was attempted in India too - First during Anna Hazare-Kejriwal movement in 2012, then in Farmer protest 4 years ago. Albeit unsuccessfully. They were just successful in pulling this off in Bangladesh recently. So while this is history and that of region far away from India, we Hindus are not immune to its fallout - same things are being tried out in India against Hindus as we speak. So it is always good to remember the mistakes others have committed.

To be Continued....

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Part 2 - The "Jaagirdari" System Strikes Back

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I had written an article in 2013 explaining how the Sugar Lobby of western Maharashtra forms the modern day Jaagirdari system. I would recommend reading this article first to understand the deeper meanings of words that will follow this paragraph.

The Jagirdari system was a land revenue system prevalent in medieval India, particularly during the Mughal era. In this system, the emperor granted land (jagir) to nobles, military officers, or other officials known as jagirdars. In return, jagirdars were responsible for collecting revenue from their land, maintaining law and order, and providing military support to the emperor. The revenue collected supported their households and troops, with a portion sent to the central treasury. Jagirs were typically non-hereditary and could be reassigned or revoked at the emperor's discretion, ensuring the central authority's control and preventing the rise of powerful feudal lords.

In a modern context, the Jagirdari system can be visualized as a scenario where political leaders and parties function as contemporary jagirdars, wielding significant control over their regions. The central authority, represented by a political leader or party in Delhi, maintains power through the allegiance and revenue of these regional leaders. Each district functions like an autonomous jagir, managed by a local political figure who fiercely protects their influence and control. These modern jagirdars collect support and resources from their constituents, channeling a portion to the central authority, thus ensuring a structured but decentralized political power network throughout India. 

What we know as "Congress System", is essentially the continuation of this Sultanate era Jagirdari system which was also continued by British to facilitate their rule on India. I have covered the evolution of this system in my Imperium series part 1

Such Jagirdars are predominantly found all over India. They are most evolved in Maharashtra, but the politics of states, regions, castes, identities essentially revolves around a dominant Jagirdar family who mobilizes a critical mass of votes and resources from a district-size unit either for the central power of India OR the regional satrap / Subhedar of that central power in the state. These are mostly comprised on upper caste landed Hindus who have / had kshatriya status in the society. Due to democratization of politics, the power is however no longer necessarily accumulated in the kshatriya caste families but any dominant family with resources and hold on critical mass of votes of certain caste/linguistic identity. Until the democratization seeped in the psyche of Hindus (until 1970s/80s), it was almost exclusively kshatriya castes. But after JP movement and Lohia movement, the dominant OBC castes too rose to be such Jagirdars of different places and in different times.

Throughout history of Hindus, this decentralized Jagirdari system has been a common feature of Hindu polity. It is so deeply entrenched that I wonder if it was indeed invention or creation of Delhi Sultanate (who's educational background was dubious to have understood and created a complex system like this one).

This system seems to be an organic Hindu method of political organization in absence of a strong political core. Contrary to popular belief, the Muslim rule in India was not very centralized (speaking in terms of administration) as they were mostly interested only in loot and proselytization. The Jagirdars arranged themselves in such a way that their hold on their district-size Jagir remains stable, no matter who is the central ruler OR his/her state satrap.
The regional satrap or the Subhedar too, usually was elevated from trusted Jagirdars in the region OR was appointed from top who immediately entered a "mutually beneficial arrangement" with the jagirdars of the region. If we are to use mathematical terminology, we can call this a "Nash Equilibrium" of jagirdars and the central power.

This system, while beneficial in absence of a strong central Hindu leadership, leads to rise of fissiparous centrifugal tendencies among Hindu jagirdars. The Muslim Jagirdars have religious motivations superseding their economic ones. This makes the creation of Unified Hindu Response difficult to achieve and even more difficult to sustain for long. 

Jagirdari drag during Hindu Expansion

Shivaji Maharaj was among the first to identify this problem when the Hindavi Swarajya he started went on offensive against Islam and had a serious shot at overthrowing the sociopolitical dominance of Islam on India. The fissiparous tendencies of entrenched Jagirdars fought continuously against Shivaji Maharaj and Sambhaji Maharaj. Both father and son were brutal in cutting down the influence of this system on Hindu polity. But while they succeeded for short duration, the system bounced back equally rapidly after brutal assassination of Sambhaji Maharaj by Aurangzeb.

From 1689, Jagirdari system returned. It may be argued that the betrayal of Sambhaji Maharaj was done by the disgruntled Jagirdar familes (Shirke clan) who were disenfranchised by Sambhaji Maharaj. It is noted that none of the established Jagirdars even attempted to rescue Sambhaji Maharaj while he was gradually paraded throughout the expanse of Hindavi Swarajya to Aurangzeb's camp near modern day Sambhajinagar (Aurangabad). 

After Sambhaji Maharaj, his younger brother Rajaram, his son Shahu, the Peshwas all used this system to their benefit and it all worked well as long as Hindavi Swarajya was expanding geographically with revenues coming in. However the centrifugal tendencies sprung up when Hindavi Swarajya plateaued after Panipat-3. Within 40 years, the centrifugal tendencies of Hindu Jagirdars became too strong to resist and India fell to British occupation in 1818. 

Throughout 800 years of known incumbency of this system, only Shivaji and Sambhaji were two Hindu rulers who seriously tried to make this system irrelevant. And bulk of the support they drew was from those sections of society that we call OBCs, SCs, STs, Brahmin/Kayasth castes. Shivaji Maharaj had to fight earnestly against many of his own caste members who were either Jagirdars themselves or were deeply associated and benefitted from this system. This is a very important point that one must note.

Jagirdari system under British rule

From 1818 Until 1947, the Jagirdari system broadly reorganized itself like follows under British rule :

Land-owning castes: They held a monopoly over rural wealth but must pay a fixed amount of tax to the ruler. How they manage their wealth and extract revenue was their concern, but they must deliver the required tax and resources to satrap and central power without question.

Lowest classes (Scheduled Castes and most backward classes): They were brutalized and treated almost like intelligent oxen.

Current day OBCs: They occupied the middle tier but were completely dependent on the land-owning castes.

Banias: Conducted their business by sharing the spoils with the ruling masters.

Brahmins: Maintained their position at the top of the religious hierarchy and assist in keeping the account books and bureaucracy. First to rise among the english speaking bureaucracy and gave rise to their own mini-jagirdari system. 
Jagirdari of Congress system post independence

After British tutored Congress to pass on their control of Jagirdars cultivated by them to Nehru's clan, following changes happened in Indian polity.

Land-owning castes: They maintain a monopoly over rural wealth through the control of local markets and the determination of produce rates in Mandis. This allows them to keep a grip on the rest of the rural population, akin to having a form of reservation.

Lowest classes (Scheduled Castes and most backward classes): While they can no longer be brutalized, they remain extremely poor and are unlikely to experience significant development for at least 100 years. They are given reservations in jobs and protection, but most still work as laborers in rural areas.

Current day OBCs: They occupy the middle tier but are entirely dependent on the land-owning castes. The landowners lease their lands to these classes, making them heavily reliant on landowners. Politically, if they do not vote for the power of Jats, Reddys, or Thakurs, they risk losing their lease for the next year, affecting their livelihoods.

Banias: Conduct your business and pay taxes. For any taxes avoided, fund the party.

Brahmins: Maintain your position at the top of the religious hierarchy. Through the roles of patel and patwari, they still hold some power similar to land-owning castes in some geographies, though without as much muscle power.

Jagirdari changes post 1990 liberalization

As urbanization and education increased, wealth gradually moved to the cities. This created ongoing challenges for the Congress Party, culminating in its decline in 1989 when V.P. Singh mobilized the OBCs to challenge the dominance of the land-owning castes. The land-owning castes maintained their power through monopolies in the form of cooperatives and mandis. Brahmins have lost much of their power, even if they still live in a fantasy world. They are facing the same decline as the land-owning castes, a process that began in the late 1980s.

The phenomenon of Narendra Modi : Effects on Jagirdari system

Modi tried to do the unthinkable. And like Shivaji, he almost succeeded as well for a time being. I should not use past-tense now since the game is still being played. But Modi is first Hindu ruler since Shivaji to have tried to undermine and threaten the very existence of Jagirdari system in India. This is where 2024 comes in the picture. 

It is a very useful system when entire system is under existential threat from a medieval enemy. New times are different. The advent of AI and micro-targeting of various social groups on social media with different messages is technologically possible and awareness of Hindus as a society is not yet high to acknowledge the existence of such threat. 

The jagirdari system resents Modi because the formalization of the economy is threatening their last stronghold. All the associated stake-holders (OBCs, SCs, STs, Brahmins and other relevant Hindu castes) which had a working system in place for centuries was (is) threatened by Modi's initiatives. 

How situation looks today - Why Modi fell from 303 to 240 

Land Owning Castes : They have maintained their power through monopolies in the form of cooperatives and mandis. They have become indifferent as the digital economy and economic formalization loom over them. Despite retracting the farm laws, Modi has continued with the corporatization of cooperatives, further unsettling these traditional power structures.

Brahmins : They have lost much of their power, even if they still live in a fantasy world. They are facing the same decline as the land-owning castes, a process that began in the late 1980s.

The lowest classes : They have developed a new addiction in the form of  direct money transfers, initially through the corrupt MGNREGA and later through Modi's DBTs. Their expectations are now independent of the traditional jagirdari system, and they will vote for the highest bidder, regardless of who comes to power.

Banias : They are furious with Modi because of tax formalization. They can no longer escape taxes with simple bribes, and GST has become their equivalent of a nightmare.

Only the Backward Classes (BCs), excluding some exceptions like the Yadavs, form the true base of the BJP. 

This is eerily similar to Shivaji's and Sambhaji's era when such attempt was made. The system ultimately betrayed Sambhaji Maharaj to his brutal death. While all the stake-holders were shocked at the nature of death Sambhaji Maharaj was made to face, nothing much was done for the rescue, although everything was done for revenge "while reverting back to the mutually beneficial jagirdari system". I foresee similar response from the system. This is not about Modi anymore - entire Sangh pariwar must be aware of this history and try that it does not repeat.

Way Ahead : How various components of the system may respond henceforth

Land-owning castes: Their support will hinge on negotiating to maintain their monopolies.
Banias: Their support is driven by the desire for tax savings from GST keeping the escape routes open for tax evasion.
Brahmins: They seek job opportunities and a safety net.
Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs): They demand direct money transfers; otherwise, they withdraw their support.

Among all the groups mentioned above, the common sentiment is: "I can't accept this change and be led by these OBCs. Let's reject the new order and revert to the old Jagirdari model. Let's give the Congress Party another chance." This is why the Congress Party often becomes the default option. 

Also, for certain small but critical section of Hindus from above category : Modi is not Hindu enough, and hence not worthy of being given a chance again.

What should Hindutva do (irrespective of Modi)

The Hindutva movement should not repeat the mistake of 1689 wherein Jagirdari system was reinstated with even more fervor than Mughals. Swarajya outbid the Jagirdars and turned all Hindu Jagirdars serving Mughals against them. This worked in short term but eventually led to our downfall at the hands of British 100 years later. History's cycle will not move so slowly this time. The downfall will come much quicker (in next 5 years). 

If Jagirdari system is not disrupted, the Congress Party will likely gain 200+ seats in the 2029 elections. They will first reclaim Jat-dominated regions and then secure the Telugu states. As it stands, the significant section of land-owning castes like Thakurs, Marathas, Reddys, Lingayats/Vokkaligas, Jats, etc.) will largely abandon the BJP and will consistently support the Congress for the next few election cycles.

But Modi has changed the polity of India for ever. And somehow the Hindu society is not yet accepting the fact that there is no way going back now. 

Modi must continue to the disruption of the status quo with measures like GST, demonetization, and UPI, Aadhar-property linking, demonetization 2.0 and many other measures. He needs to push for significant changes through gerrymandered delimitation and backdoor farm laws, offering some concessions to land-owning castes to mitigate their anger, but not enough to maintain their monopolies. Additionally, he must implement massive cash transfers for the lower strata and tax incentives for Banias and working classes. The scale of these cash transfers and tax sops will be directly proportional to GDP growth.

For the Congress Party, a coalition of land-owning castes, SCs, 50% of Brahmins, and STs would be enough to return them to their 2009 levels. In 2024, they managed to bring Muslims and SCs back into their fold.


Jagirdari system evolved under Islamic rule when massive abuse of Hinduism was a norm. Such is the nature of Hindu Jagirdari system that as long as their wealth is assured, even extreme disrespect to land, gods, temples and women is tolerated and intellectually explained off (effects of kali yuga etc). 

Jagirdari system must go. To the very least, it must be forcibly made to give up all its ties with Breaking India Forces. It is a very bitter pill to swallow but NaMo 3.0 must do this. The reunification of Savarna Hindu + OBC + SC votes (what is called as United Spectrum of Hindu Votes as seen in 2019) while not pandering to Jagirdari system is what is required. 

Else, partition like difficult times await Hindus from 2030 onwards until 2045 - when Shani and Ketu will enter Rohini Nakshatra beginning the bloody 90 year cycle of Indian history. Hindu Jagirdari remains divided, Islamic Jagirdari is forced into unity by religious motivation. Remember and never Forget 1761 - Panipat.

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Part 1 - Niyati or Divine Intervention ?

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Prarabdha is that portion of one's sanchita karma that has been apportioned by the devatas (or random chance, if you will) to be experienced by the Jeeva is current life. To further understand the nature of this prarabdha that one must experience, rishis discovered the shaastra of jyotisha. Jyotisha ("desire/wish to know the light) is a vedaanga which helps make sense of one of the most fundamental rules governing the existence as per dharmik world view. That fundamental rule of existence as per dharmik worldview is the karma-siddhaanta. Every karma has a fruit. And one has to bear the fruit of one's past karma (from this life or earlier). This inevitability of karma and its phala is what underlines the Hindu world view.

The sanchita karma(phala) spans multiple births (rebirth is corollary of karma-siddhaanta - since everything that we are and that we are experiencing in our life is a fruit of our own past karma). It becomes a jarring experience and quite honestly a blindfolded one because if everything that is happening to us is our doing and no one (except we ourselves) can alleviate the ill effects and accentuate the good ones, some indication of what is to be expected is always welcome. Furthermore, a truer understanding of not just the bhaagya apportioned to us in this life is gained by at least a rudimentary understanding about Jyotisha-Shaastra. It also helps one understand the nature of prakriti of body-mind-buddhi that one has gotten in current birth. So in my opinion, everyone should at least learn to read one's own horoscope to judge the broader strokes of bhaagya that may be expected in given birth. 

One of the methods of jyotisha that I follow is Krishnamurti Paddhati (KP system). In my opinion it is simple and lucid method to at least answer yes/no; go/no go questions. Accomplished jyotishis can answer more difficult and nuanced questions far easily. So naturally I had used this method to check the birth chart of NaMo. 

I have been saying this among my close friends and family that 2024 was a difficult examination for NaMo. I have been hinting at it since ten to twelve years on my blog and here on twitter. I have been hinting at how NaMo may have to assume the role of Ghatotkacha. I have also been referring to Panipat and how the correspondence prior to the seminal battle is reflecting immense faith the Swarajya generals and administrators had on the "good luck" of Nanasaheb Peshwa and Peshwa Lineage owing to 60 years of continuous victorious streak. All of us Hindutva supporters were in this mode. Those who have been my readers and followers have observed my continuous warnings regarding tough election. 

A screenshot of my chat from 2021 from a close WA group of friends.

I have given couple of screenshots of a conversations that I had with my friends in 2021. As per my understanding of KP, there was zero chance of NaMo becoming PM again. The necessary significations are simply absent in his chart. Hence I was delaying the publishing of these articles since I do not want to jinx anything (although to be fair, I am far too small an entity to jinx anything as monumental as NaMo's bhaagya - it is like a water-tap in bathroom being worried of jinxing the monsoon season :-D).

Jijabai was the source of Shivaji's Bhaagya. Heeraben has been the source of NaMo's Bhaagya.

Yet, in spite of my understanding of NaMo's chart, I had prayed that he become PM because it is no longer about him now. It is essential for the fate of dharma that he remains at the helm for sometime until a worthy successor is groomed and made ready to face the absolutely and violently transformative furnace that awaits us Indians from 2030 to 2045. I believe that the prayers of countless small squirrels like me were answered - NaMo became PM and proved his majority in parliament (speaker election).

Niyati or Divine Intervention?

Now, I wonder NaMo becoming PM third time - Was it a niyati or a divine intervention? 

My (rudimentary) understanding of the jyotish says that it was not niyati. However when I discussed this with a good astrologer he said a beautiful sentence which made me think. 

“Even after rains have stopped, it takes time for earth to dry up”

Rains have stopped. But such robust was the rainfall of Bhagya in NaMo’s chart since 1986 (back to back 3 Mahadasha of planets signifying 10 and 11 houses - Venus of 20 years, Sun of 6 years and Moon of 10 years) until August 2022, that even in this scorching heat of Mars Mahadasha, the inertia of moisture in soil has  given him position.

But rains have stopped since August 2022. Last drop fell when his mother passed away. Mother was the source of his Bhagya - like Jijabai was for Shivaji Maharaj. After Jijabai’s passing, Maharaj continued to rule and expand swarajya but things were not the same after Jijabai’s demise.

That leaves divine intervention. I have connected with Utpal bhai’s (@PunyaPrakop_) term - Chosen Instrument of Jagadambha (CIOJ). 

Shivaji was such a CIOJ. So is NaMo. I said it in one my threads - Jagadamba will use this instrument to its hilt - and when the utility of that instrument is over, She will discard it and take up a new one. It is divine promise that “Sambhavami Yuge Yuge” happens and dévatās take up various instruments to ensure dharma is well rooted in India. It is good fortune of that instrument that dévatā considers it worthy of weilding. NaMo knows this and has spoke of this in 2024 interviews. 

The political dipole of modern Hindu polity

Fate of Mohan ji Bhagwat is similarly tied to this CIOJ. I had shared a family anecdote long ago on twitter. When Mohan ji became SSC in 2008, one of the family elders (who was advanced in age and spiritual experiences) said Mohan ji becoming SSC was the best thing that had happened to Hindus and Hindutva in long time. That person was 92 years old then and had been with sangh since time of Dr. Hedgewar ji. We are talking about times when it was ghanghor UPA-1 era with Hindu terror plots, Communal Violence Bill of Sonia and other machinations to finish off Hindutva. 

Mohan ji and NaMo has been one of the political dipoles of Hindavi Swarajya 2.0 (Bajirao-Chimaji, Nanasaheb-Sadashivrao, NanaPhadnavis-MahadajiShinde) that has reinvigorated Hindutva from almost death like conditions to a socially acceptable glorious state. They were the “first gear” of the vehicle which has to be strongest as it has to move a stationary object.

They have done that. It is now up to us to ensure that the vehicle that has started moving thanks to Herculean efforts of this dipole - goes to 2nd gear and picks up speed and not stall. It is now up to them to ensure that transition to next generation of leadership happens as smoothly as possible. 


In subsequent parts of this series we will be dealing with various aspects (domestic, societal and international) that led to developments of 2024 and how the future of Hindu polity looks in my limited understanding. And I will delve into nature of Indrashakti in one of the parts. 
Thank you for the patience.