Sunday, December 13, 2020

Para-Pashyanti-Madhyama-Vaikhari : Four types of speeches in Sanatana Dharma

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क्षेमालागी जीव
उतावीळ माझा
म्हणवोनि स्फुरताती बाहो
क्षेम देऊ गेले तव 
मी ची मी एकली
आसावला जीव राहो...

“My jīva & hands were so eager to embrace Him. But when I actually did I found out that I was the only One there. Whilst I experienced the advaita, I still yearn for dvaita”

पाया पडू गेले तव पाऊलचि न दिसे
उभाचि स्वयंभू असे
समोर कि पाठिमोरा न कळे
ठकचि पडिले कैसे....

“I tried to touch His feet. But I could not see His feet nor the base. He was standing on His own, unsupported by any foundation. I could not even make out which way He was facing”

शब्देंविण संवादु 
दुजेंवीण अनुवादु
हें तंव कैसेंनि गमे
परेहि परतें बोलणें खुंटलें
वैखरी कैसेंनि सांगें

“The conversation that we had was wordless. There was no ‘pashyanti’ to translate. When the ‘parā’ was active, all speech ceased. How then can I describe it in ‘vaikhari’?

There are four “layers” of “speech” in dharma. 

1. Vaikhari : one which we talk in to discuss routine things. Origin - Indriyas

2. Madhyamā : One which we utter after putting significant adhidaivik thought. Origin - manas / buddhi

3. Pashyanti : the vāNi which originates from the deepest core of our prakruti. Origin - ahamkāra

4. Parā : the vāNi that comes straight from the chètanā. The seer. Purusha. Ātmā. This vāNi comes from beyond the realms of prakruti.

I pray I get to hear at least one syllable in parā vāNi in this birth. 

The primordial syllable... 


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