Sunday, July 07, 2024

Part 1 - Niyati or Divine Intervention ?

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Prarabdha is that portion of one's sanchita karma that has been apportioned by the devatas (or random chance, if you will) to be experienced by the Jeeva is current life. To further understand the nature of this prarabdha that one must experience, rishis discovered the shaastra of jyotisha. Jyotisha ("desire/wish to know the light) is a vedaanga which helps make sense of one of the most fundamental rules governing the existence as per dharmik world view. That fundamental rule of existence as per dharmik worldview is the karma-siddhaanta. Every karma has a fruit. And one has to bear the fruit of one's past karma (from this life or earlier). This inevitability of karma and its phala is what underlines the Hindu world view.

The sanchita karma(phala) spans multiple births (rebirth is corollary of karma-siddhaanta - since everything that we are and that we are experiencing in our life is a fruit of our own past karma). It becomes a jarring experience and quite honestly a blindfolded one because if everything that is happening to us is our doing and no one (except we ourselves) can alleviate the ill effects and accentuate the good ones, some indication of what is to be expected is always welcome. Furthermore, a truer understanding of not just the bhaagya apportioned to us in this life is gained by at least a rudimentary understanding about Jyotisha-Shaastra. It also helps one understand the nature of prakriti of body-mind-buddhi that one has gotten in current birth. So in my opinion, everyone should at least learn to read one's own horoscope to judge the broader strokes of bhaagya that may be expected in given birth. 

One of the methods of jyotisha that I follow is Krishnamurti Paddhati (KP system). In my opinion it is simple and lucid method to at least answer yes/no; go/no go questions. Accomplished jyotishis can answer more difficult and nuanced questions far easily. So naturally I had used this method to check the birth chart of NaMo. 

I have been saying this among my close friends and family that 2024 was a difficult examination for NaMo. I have been hinting at it since ten to twelve years on my blog and here on twitter. I have been hinting at how NaMo may have to assume the role of Ghatotkacha. I have also been referring to Panipat and how the correspondence prior to the seminal battle is reflecting immense faith the Swarajya generals and administrators had on the "good luck" of Nanasaheb Peshwa and Peshwa Lineage owing to 60 years of continuous victorious streak. All of us Hindutva supporters were in this mode. Those who have been my readers and followers have observed my continuous warnings regarding tough election. 

A screenshot of my chat from 2021 from a close WA group of friends.

I have given couple of screenshots of a conversations that I had with my friends in 2021. As per my understanding of KP, there was zero chance of NaMo becoming PM again. The necessary significations are simply absent in his chart. Hence I was delaying the publishing of these articles since I do not want to jinx anything (although to be fair, I am far too small an entity to jinx anything as monumental as NaMo's bhaagya - it is like a water-tap in bathroom being worried of jinxing the monsoon season :-D).

Jijabai was the source of Shivaji's Bhaagya. Heeraben has been the source of NaMo's Bhaagya.

Yet, in spite of my understanding of NaMo's chart, I had prayed that he become PM because it is no longer about him now. It is essential for the fate of dharma that he remains at the helm for sometime until a worthy successor is groomed and made ready to face the absolutely and violently transformative furnace that awaits us Indians from 2030 to 2045. I believe that the prayers of countless small squirrels like me were answered - NaMo became PM and proved his majority in parliament (speaker election).

Niyati or Divine Intervention?

Now, I wonder NaMo becoming PM third time - Was it a niyati or a divine intervention? 

My (rudimentary) understanding of the jyotish says that it was not niyati. However when I discussed this with a good astrologer he said a beautiful sentence which made me think. 

“Even after rains have stopped, it takes time for earth to dry up”

Rains have stopped. But such robust was the rainfall of Bhagya in NaMo’s chart since 1986 (back to back 3 Mahadasha of planets signifying 10 and 11 houses - Venus of 20 years, Sun of 6 years and Moon of 10 years) until August 2022, that even in this scorching heat of Mars Mahadasha, the inertia of moisture in soil has  given him position.

But rains have stopped since August 2022. Last drop fell when his mother passed away. Mother was the source of his Bhagya - like Jijabai was for Shivaji Maharaj. After Jijabai’s passing, Maharaj continued to rule and expand swarajya but things were not the same after Jijabai’s demise.

That leaves divine intervention. I have connected with Utpal bhai’s (@PunyaPrakop_) term - Chosen Instrument of Jagadambha (CIOJ). 

Shivaji was such a CIOJ. So is NaMo. I said it in one my threads - Jagadamba will use this instrument to its hilt - and when the utility of that instrument is over, She will discard it and take up a new one. It is divine promise that “Sambhavami Yuge Yuge” happens and dévatās take up various instruments to ensure dharma is well rooted in India. It is good fortune of that instrument that dévatā considers it worthy of weilding. NaMo knows this and has spoke of this in 2024 interviews. 

The political dipole of modern Hindu polity

Fate of Mohan ji Bhagwat is similarly tied to this CIOJ. I had shared a family anecdote long ago on twitter. When Mohan ji became SSC in 2008, one of the family elders (who was advanced in age and spiritual experiences) said Mohan ji becoming SSC was the best thing that had happened to Hindus and Hindutva in long time. That person was 92 years old then and had been with sangh since time of Dr. Hedgewar ji. We are talking about times when it was ghanghor UPA-1 era with Hindu terror plots, Communal Violence Bill of Sonia and other machinations to finish off Hindutva. 

Mohan ji and NaMo has been one of the political dipoles of Hindavi Swarajya 2.0 (Bajirao-Chimaji, Nanasaheb-Sadashivrao, NanaPhadnavis-MahadajiShinde) that has reinvigorated Hindutva from almost death like conditions to a socially acceptable glorious state. They were the “first gear” of the vehicle which has to be strongest as it has to move a stationary object.

They have done that. It is now up to us to ensure that the vehicle that has started moving thanks to Herculean efforts of this dipole - goes to 2nd gear and picks up speed and not stall. It is now up to them to ensure that transition to next generation of leadership happens as smoothly as possible. 


In subsequent parts of this series we will be dealing with various aspects (domestic, societal and international) that led to developments of 2024 and how the future of Hindu polity looks in my limited understanding. And I will delve into nature of Indrashakti in one of the parts. 
Thank you for the patience.

1 comment:

Samarth M. Thorat said...

You are using wrong data of birth and calculation
Here is the data by brother of NaMo

Also this